Harnesses, carts and boots for your DM dog
Caring for your DM dog will require different tools to help your dog remain mobile.
(these are just helpful suggestions - not recommendations, owners should always consult with their veterinarian first)
Harnesses and slings (in alphabetical order)
Cart Makers (in alphabetical order)
Loaner Cart Programs
No-Knuckling/Toe-Up Boot
Boots (Available at most major pet supply stores or on Chewy or Amazon)
CUSTOMIZED CARE KEEPERS - We have developed these Custom Log Books to help you keep track of all of your Pup's needs (Record Sections of logs include Vet Care, Therapy/Conditioning Schedules, Nutrition, Medication Charts, and much much more!) These are extremely handy for you to hand over to your caregiver, for boarding, evacuations, etc. KC'S CUSTOMIZABLE KEEPERS https://shadeoutdm.com/keepers
Henry's Kindness Signs - Henry's Kindness Signs created by a DM mama herself.
After Henry passed away, I decided I wanted to create something that would help other people who are living in this reality. I created these signs that can be hung on a stroller, carrier, or wagon. My hope is that this sign will prevent those awkward moments and instead bring smiles, happy pets, and uplifting words. ShadeOutDM asked us to share our link for Henry's Kindness signs:
Please feel free to reach out to us!
*** Disclaimer - information posted & shared on this page is merely for informational & educational purposes, owners should always consult their veterinarian!
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